1. 本活动对象仅限首次绑定并充值手机八达通的中国内地发行的万事达卡(包含信用卡,借记卡,商务卡,企业卡,参与本计划的具体适用卡片范围详询发卡行)。仅限iOS系统的用户在旅客八达通App参与。
2. 旅客八达通App充值交易需通过万事达卡网络进行。
3. 在旅客八达通App进行充值时,充值币种需选择人民币。万事达卡网络亦参照充值时对应的人民币金额进行判断,充值金额大于或等于270人民币即符合返现要求。
4. 用户需更新旅客八达通App至最新版本。
5. 通过旅客八达通App开通手机八达通按金(押金)为50港币,按金可退还。具体退款条件参考八达通官网介绍。
6. 本活动所有返现金额以港币计算,并将于满足活动条件后次月月底前返还到持卡人绑卡充值的万事达卡卡片账户中,具体到账时间请咨询发卡行。发卡行在入账时可能会根据与持卡人约定,返现转换为其他币种入账,具体入账金额、币种请咨询发卡行。如参与活动的万事达卡在返现时点处于失效、逾期、销户、冻结及其他非正常状态,则自动丧失获奖的返现的资格。
7. 本活动每自然月名额有限,先到先得,发完即止,以满足活动条件的交易在万事达卡系统入账时间为准。交易日期、交易时间、是否首次充值卡片等以万事达卡系统记录为准。
8. 如持卡人充值后又退款,则万事达卡保留收回已发放的30港币返现金的权利。
9. 用户通过旅客八达通App开启一张新的手机八达通后,需将手机八达通添加至Apple钱包。如在此添加过程中出现不成功的情况,对应的充值扣款金额将会于数天后退回对应的银行卡账户。如有查询,可致电八达通客服电话:+852 2266 2222(工作时间:周一至周五9:00-21:00,周六9:00-18:00)。
10. 如持卡人因获得返现导致所属银行积分有所调整,请咨询发卡行确认具体银行积分累积规则。
11. 持卡人因获得返现所涉及的个人所得税由持卡人自理。
12. 持卡人参与本活动应遵守相关法律法规以及本活动各项规则。如参与本活动的持卡人以任何利用系统漏洞、外挂软件、插件等有违诚信的手段或工具,或存在非法牟利、套现、虚假交易等恶意行为套取活动奖励的,万事达卡有权取消该持卡人参与活动的资格,并有权直接或通过发卡行取消或收回已经发放的任何活动奖励。万事达卡有权对活动中的违规行为进行判定。
13. Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd及其关联公司(统称 “万事达卡”)不对商户任何产品或服务承担任何责任。持卡人使用手机八达通支付购买的商品或服务由商户自行提供。商户及其商品或服务未经万事达卡核证。在任何情况下,持卡人在商户购买的任何商品或服务不得解释为万事达卡对该商户及其商品或服务予以认可或推荐。持卡人对商品或服务可能产生的任何疑问或问题须直接与提供该等商品或服务的商户解决。
14. 在法律许可范围内,万事达卡有权修订本活动条款及细则(包括但不限于参加资格、交易时间及奖励方式等)、暂停或取消本活动,而无需提前告知。所有信息以万事达卡官方渠道公布的内容为准。
15. Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd 基于本活动的目的,验证是否满足活动资格、处理符合活动条件的银行卡返现等,处理持卡人的有关个人信息,包括卡号、充值金额、充值币种、交易时间以及绑卡状态。参与本活动的持卡人了解Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd 将基于识别符合条件的交易的目的,监测持卡人所绑定的卡片状态。以上个人信息处理活动依据 《Mastercard 忠诚度与奖励声明》。如拒绝该活动中的个人信息处理,请发送邮件至 privacyanddataprotection@mastercard.com
电话:+86 4006612062(工作时间:周一至周五,9:00-18:00)
Promotion Date: From January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025 (inclusive)
Eligible cards: Mastercard cards issued in mainland China (“Designated Mastercard cards”)
During the Promotion period, cardholders of Mastercard cards issued in
mainland China who link their card to the Octopus App for Tourists (iOS version) for the first
time and make a one-time top-up to a Mobile Octopus in CNY equivalent to at least HKD300, may
have the chance to receive a cashback of HKD30. During the Promotion, each card can be credited
with a maximum of HKD30 in cashback.
Terms and Conditions:
1. This Promotion is limited to Cardholders of Mastercard cards issued in mainland China who are linking the Octopus App for Tourists and topping up Mobile Octopus for the first time only. (Eligible cards include credit cards, debit cards, business cards, and corporate cards. Please consult your card-issuing bank for details of the applicable products for participation in this Promotion.) Participation is limited to the users of the Octopus App for Tourists (iOS version).
2. Top-up transactions within the Octopus App for Tourists must be conducted through the Mastercard network.
3. When topping up in the Octopus App for Tourists, the currency selected for the top-up must be Chinese Renminbi (CNY). The Mastercard network also refers to the equivalent RMB amount when the top-up is made. Top-up amounts greater than or equal to CNY270 will meet the cashback requirement.
4. Users must update the Octopus App for Tourists to the latest version.
5. A fee of HKD50 will be charged as an “deposit” within the Octopus App for Tourists. This deposit is refundable; details of the refund conditions can be found on the Octopus official website.
6. Any cashback amount from the Promotion period shall be calculated in Hong Kong dollars (HKD) and shall be credited to the Cardholder’s linked Mastercard card account by the end of the month following the Promotion requirements being met. Please consult the issuing bank for the exact crediting time. The issuing bank may, at the time of crediting, convert the cashback into another currency based on the agreement with the Cardholder. Please consult the issuing bank for specific credited amounts and currency. If the participating Mastercard card is in an inactive, overdue, closed, frozen, or other abnormal status at the time of cashback crediting, it will automatically forfeit eligibility of its cashback rewards.
7. This Promotion has limited availability each calendar month and operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the allocated quota is reached, the Promotion will end. The transaction’s eligibility for the Promotion is based on the time credited in the records in the Mastercard system. Transaction dates, transaction times, and whether the card has been topped up for the first time shall be decided based on the records in the Mastercard system.
8. Mastercard reserves the right to revoke the credit HKD30 cashback if a Cardholder initiates a refund after topping-up.
9. A new Mobile Octopus issued via the Octopus App for Tourists, shall be added to Apple Wallet. If there is an unsuccessful situation during the add-to-wallet process, the amount used for top-up will be refunded to the corresponding bank card account, and it may take several days to process the refund. For any enquiries, Cardholders may contact Octopus Customer Service hotline at +852 2266 2222 (9:00-21:00 Monday to Friday, 9:00-18:00 Saturday) for details.
10. If any adjustment is made to a Cardholder’s bank reward points due to receiving cashback, Cardholder shall consult the issuing bank to confirm the specific rules regarding reward points accumulation.
11. Cardholders are responsible for any personal income tax related to the cashback they receive.
12. Cardholders participating in this Promotion must comply with relevant laws, regulations, and all rules of this Promotion. If the participating Cardholder fraudulently obtains the Promotion rewards by engaging in any dishonest means such as system vulnerabilities, cheating software, plugins, etc., or by engaging in malicious activities such as illegal profiting, cashing out, false transactions, etc., Mastercard reserves the right to disqualify the cardholder from participating in the Promotion, and directly, or through the issuing bank, cancel or recover any Promotion rewards that have already been issued. Mastercard has the authority to determine violations in the Promotion.
13. Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. and its affiliated companies (collectively referred to as “Mastercard”) assume no responsibility for any products or services offered by merchants. The products or services purchased by Cardholders through payments made through Octopus on their mobiles are provided by the merchants themselves. Merchants and their products or services have not been verified by Mastercard. In no event shall the Cardholder’s purchase of any products or services from a merchant be construed as Mastercard’s endorsement or recommendation of that merchant and its products or services. Any questions or issues regarding the products or services should be directly addressed to the merchant providing them.
14. Within the legal permissible scope, Mastercard reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of this Promotion (including, but not limited to, eligibility, transaction times, and reward mechanisms), and suspend or cancel this Promotion without prior notice. All information is subject to official announcement on Mastercard’s official channels.
For the purpose of the Promotion, to verify the eligibility, and to
process the cashback for eligible Mastercard cards, Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. shall
process personal information of Cardholders, including card number, top-up amount and
currency, transaction time and status of the linked card. By participating in the Promotion,
Cardholders understand that Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. shall monitor the status of my
linked card to identify qualifying transactions, in accordance with Mastercard’s Loyalty
Privacy Notice. To opt out of the transaction monitoring, please email us at:
Mastercard Customer Service Hotline: +86 4006612062 (Monday to Friday, 9:00-18:00)
Email: Priceless_China@mastercard.com